Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tour de Half

Yesterday morning, I "led" a group on a tour of the Nittany Valley Half Marathon course. Led is QFI because I was bringing up the rear for most of it. (Part of that was to shepherd other runners though.)
It had poured down a cold miserable rain all through the night, but it let up just before we started. There were about a half-dozen of us ready to brave the conditions and the course. I have to say that I never really felt great at any time during the run: I felt sluggish most of the time. I also need to replace these shoes. I started feeling the ankle strain going up the last big hill, and had to slow down a notch.
The nasty weather returned soon after I got home, so I guess our timing was perfect.
I was surprised to see that I had done it in 1:48. I figured I was closer to two hours the way I was running. More surprising than that is that I don't feel bad at all this morning, despite feeling a little sore most of yesterday. I did yoga and had a nice rest yesterday, so I'm sure that helped.


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