Monday, November 14, 2005

Dress Rehearsal

I ran the course for the Half Marathon this past Saturday. Wow is that course tough: even the downhills are hard.
A few notes for myself:
* The track along Fox Hollow is the most boring part, it takes forever. It looks a lot nastier than it really is, though.
* The downhill on Rock Road is no place to rest. It is steep enough to be technical in spots. Just remember to relax and let gravity do the work as much as possible.
* Just past the halfway mark on Rock Road is a very steep uphill. It's short, but it hurts. But you get a little bit of time to recover before the turn into Houserville Road.
* The hill up Houserville Road isn't too bad, just remember to save a little for the haul up Orchard Road.
* Orchard Road is a long hill, but it doesn't get serious until you see the intersection sign and go around the last curve. Park Avenue wasn't as nasty as it looked, and neither was Porter.
* One last thing: the final few hundred hards on Curtain have a slight uphill as well.


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