Saturday, October 08, 2005

Last discovery

I was really looking forward to this run, my longest run ever: 8.2 miles. The first mile was all uphill, followed by a mile of downhill. Then we turned around: running up that hill kicked my ass! But I just kept trudging, kept pushing, even as my ears were popping, and finally crested it. It was a long downhill, followed by a few miles of flat or downhill.

As always, I felt terrible at mile 2-3. But once I got past mile 4, I could have kept going forever. Although it was starting to get dark as I ran through the woods. Even the last little hill up to the finish didn't feel bad: I could have easily kept going. I finished in 1:11:13, or about an 8:44 pace. Considering how slow I went up that second hill, that's not so bad.


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